View Overall VPN Status
Navigate to Status to view the overall VPN status and error logs.
The Status page provides information arranged in various compartments called widgets. We will look at the information each widget provides in the sections below.
Refreshing VPN Status and Error Logs
In order to keep the Status page current and updated, click on the Refresh icon on the top-right corner of the web page.
Capacity Widget
Active Connections
Shows the number of Connections that are currently active (i.e. in use) out of the number of VPN Connections in your subscription. Remember that connections in use by Connectors and devices are both counted in this statistic.
Subscription Limit Exceeded
Shows the number of times in the past 24-hours that the usage spiked such that the number of VPN Connections in use exceeded the subscribed number of VPN Connections. In such cases, VPN Connections that exceed the subscribed number are dropped. Frequent such occurrences indicate that you are undersubscribed and signal that you should consider increasing the number of VPN Connections in your subscription.
Shows the amount of data that was transferred using the VPN from the start of the present calendar month.
Networks Widget
Active Networks
Shows how many of the configured Networks are active. For a Network to be counted as active its configured Connector must be in use.
Active Connectors
Shows how many of the Connectors configured for use with Networks are active
Hosts Widget
Active Hosts
Shows how many of the configured Hosts are active. For a Host to be counted as active at least one of its configured Connector(s) must be in use.
Active Connectors
Shows how many of the Connectors configured for use with Hosts are active
Users Widget
Active Users
Shows how many of the provisioned Users are active. For a User to be counted as active at least one of the User’s devices must be in use.
Active Devices
A User can have more than one device. This statistic shows how many of the total provisioned devices are active.
Error Logs Widget
Shows the details of error logs that result from VPN connection being disconnected to Users, Networks, and Hosts during the past 24-hours. The log details are arranged in a table with sortable columns that provide the User/Network/Host identity, Device/Connector identity, timestamp, error type, and error message.
The types of errors displayed are:
Subscription Limit: This log is generated when a VPN Connection is disconnected because the count of active VPN Connections exceeded the subscribed number of VPN Connections.
Certificate Revoked: This log is generated when the Administrator deleted an Active User’s device or revoked that User’s device profile certificate or deleted a Connector belonging to a Host/Network or revoked that Connector’s profile certificate. When such a Device/Connector tries to connect, it is disconnected and this error log is generated.
User Suspended: This log is generated when the Administrator has moved a User’s account state from Active to Suspended but has not deleted that User’s device or revoked that User’s device profile certificate. When a device belonging to that User tries to connect, it is disconnected and this error log is generated.
Log Filtering
As shown in the screenshots in this section, the error logs can be filtered based on the type of error by selecting and de-selecting the error-type filter buttons. The error-type buttons also show the count of logs that match that specific error-type.
Subscription Limit Log Filter Selected

Certificate Revoked Log Filter Selected

User Suspended Log Filter Selected

Users Status
Navigate to Status and click on the hyperlinked Users heading of the Users widget to view the VPN Connection status for Users. Click on the Refresh icon on the top-right corner to keep the status shown current.
View overall Users status
Shows the offline/online status of all provisioned Users

View User’s device status
You can expand a specific User’s listing to see the online/offline status of devices belonging to that User

Filter Users
Click on the Filters button on the top-right to filter the listed Users by their connection status or their device’s connection status. You can also filter by the Group that User belongs to or their device’s configured VPN Region.

Networks Status
Navigate to Status and click on the hyperlinked Networks heading of the Networks widget to view the VPN Connection status for Networks. Click on the Refresh icon on the top-right corner to keep the status shown current.
View overall Networks status
Shows the offline/online status of all configured Networks

View Network’s Connector status
You can expand a specific Network’s listing to see the online/offline status of the Connector belonging to that Network

Filter Networks
Click on the Filters button on the top-right to filter the listed Networks by their connection status or their Connector’s connection status. You can also filter by their Connector’s configured VPN Region.

Hosts Status
Navigate to Status and click on the hyperlinked Hosts heading of the Hosts widget to view the VPN Connection status for Hosts. Click on the Refresh icon on the top-right corner to keep the status shown current.
View overall Hosts status
Shows the offline/online status of all configured Hosts. The connection status of a Host can be shown as Online with issues when at least one of its Connectors is online but not all of its Connectors are online.

View Host’s Connector status
You can expand a specific Host’s listing to see the online/offline status of the Connector(s) belonging to that Host

Filter Hosts
Click on the Filters button on the top-right to filter the listed Hosts by their connection status or their Connector’s connection status. You can also filter by their Connector’s configured VPN Region.
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