Issue Description:
After upgrading your Linux operating system (e.g., from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), Access Server may fail to start, and the following error appears in the server logs:
ImportError: module load failed: bad magic number in 'pyovpn'
This error occurs because Access Server is still using the repository from the previous Linux OS version (e.g., Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), which is incompatible with your new OS version.
To resolve this issue, update the Access Server repository to match your new Linux OS version. For example, if you upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, follow these steps:
- Open a terminal and execute the following command:
sudo su
bash <(curl -fsS --yes- This script will:
- Detect your current Linux OS version.
- Install the appropriate repository.
- Start Access Server automatically.
- This script will:
- Perform this update during a maintenance window or outside working hours to avoid disruptions.
If you have additional questions, please submit a ticket.
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