Description: The following error may occur when importing an external PKCS#12 file via OpenVPN Connect:
No suitable certificate found
This error typically indicates that the .pkcs12 certificate is missing the required "friendly name" field. This field is a mandatory attribute for compatibility with the latest versions of Windows key storage.
To resolve this issue, regenerate the .p12 certificate to include the "friendly name" attribute.
Steps to generate a PKCS#12 certificate with the "friendly name" attribute
- Open a terminal with OpenSSL installed. (The steps may vary if you're using a different certificate creation tool.)
- Run the following command to create the .p12 certificate:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey key.pem -in cert.cer -name example -out example.p12
- Replace key.pem with your private key file.
- Replace cert.cer with your certificate file.
- Replace example with your desired friendly name.
- The --name parameter assigns the friendly name attribute to the certificate.
Verify the certificate contents
To confirm the certificate includes the "friendly name" field, run:
openssl pkcs12 -in example.p12
Please submit a ticket if you have additional questions or still encounter issues.
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