To help you understand whether this would help you, here are the different setups for OpenVPN Access Server on an Amazon Machine Image:
OpenVPN Access Server AWS BYOL Subscription
Bring Your Own License refers to an image launched through AWS with a subscription purchased from You can manage your connections through the billing portal on our website when you need to change the number of connections. Our new subscription model is designed for deployments in IaaS cloud environments. The BYOL image also supports the fixed license key model.
OpenVPN Access Server AWS Tiered
This refers to a payment agreement with Amazon for the number of connections necessary. If you need to scale up or down, that is done through your AWS account.
If you have your OpenVPN Access Server hosted on an AWS Tiered instance, you may have dealt with the pain of having to migrate to a new server should you need to increase or decrease your connections. With our subscription model, you can now migrate to a new, BYOL instance, activate a subscription, and stay with your instance, no matter the connections needed. You have the flexibility to increase or decrease to suit your needs, simply by changing your subscription on our site.
You can read more about the subscription model here: Subscriptions FAQ
Follow this guide to migrate from a tiered image over to a BYOL image with a subscription key. We suggest switching over to using a subscription so you have full flexibility to change your licensed amount at any time.
The documentation here provides the steps necessary to do this. You’ll back up your current system, spin up a new one, and then move your backup over to the new system. Your OpenVPN clients won’t require reinstalling to connect as the migration keeps the required user and certificate data intact.
Access Server Resources:
OpenVPN Access Server Documentation
OpenVPN Access Server Resource Center
OpenVPN Access Server Admin Manual
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