CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2021. After this date you won’t be able to install or update packages from CentOS 8 repositories.
If your OpenVPN Access Server is based on CentOS 8 it will continue to work but you won’t be able to install updates for OpenVPN and system software. We recommend migration to a supported Linux OS, primarily Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.
If you are looking for an equivalent of CentOS Linux you can try to use free Linux distributions based on Red Hat sources, like AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. Their maintainers claim 100% binary compatibility with RHEL 8. It means that you should be able to install and run OpenVPN Access Server packages built for RHEL platform on AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux servers. However, we don’t test our RHEL packages on these platforms, so we can’t guarantee that they will work correctly.
Please note: we have not changed distribution of OpenVPN Access Server for Centos 7 and will provide packages for this platform until official EOL (June 30, 2024).
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